Friday, November 16, 2012

30 Days of Thanks!

It is Friday, the weekend before Thanksgiving, and we are all starting to rush around with the busyness of the season. Our minds are on what we are cooking or eating this coming week, what gifts are on sale that we need to buy, wrap, and give. We are in go-go-go mode and there is no stopping till after the New Year starts.

However, now is the time we should also stop, take a moment, and count our blessings. Realize what we are thankful for, and be happy for the joys in our life. I've tried to take this to heart this year, and have been doing a 30 Days of Thanks challenge on Facebook. I've posted something each day I'm thankful for. Some days it is the little things like the DVD player in my car to keep my boys entertained while we are out doing a full day of errands. Another day was my feet, and how they can carry me on a long run to complete a race. There have also been several days were I've been thankful for the healthcare and doctors that have been taking such great care of my dad as he battles his illnesses.

Whatever your reasons to be thankful this year, be sure and keep them in mind. Share your reasons with your friends and family - let them know you are thankful for them and all they do to and for you. I have yet to meet someone who doesn't like to be told you are thankful for them.

I know that in just over a week, there will be a lot of thankful children at Servite Primary school who will be receiving lots of books and school supplies. And about 65 adults in the Runaway Bay area who will be receiving shoes and socks that you donated. While they might not say "thank you" to you in person, have no doubts they will be thankful as well.

Comment here and share what you're thankful for, or how you are celebrating the season.

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